Friday, February 25, 2011

sesi latihan sketsa utk mini konsert amal bersama norisz rizs(artis tempatan sabah)

 wahahahaha.....nah breffing time sbelum beraksi.....

 nahhh kan...........dari kreta lagi sdah sa p snap 'dia wanita' ...hehe neh lah norizs....

bincang lagi psal lagu yg ingin dibawakan.....hafifi dan norizs.....
yang neh,c KRISTO dan BABEY CARMEY, sempat shot diorg tngah fokus dgan skrip...hehe

Jessica, Jaf, Kristo,babey carmey masing2 maw praktis..,tpi time neh,belom juga start2...hahaha

Sunday, February 20, 2011

updateee jak laaah.......kehkehkeh with myNikon D7000.....

....hahhahah udang fressh,baru ambil dari pukat.....pergghh sedap,makan udang baru2 dari laut neh....
........milo tabur and my luv sunclasses..!!!.......

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

a skrinwritting... !!!

...."now im start to create story.!!!... setiap masa akan berfikir jalan cerita...harap sekeliling boleh membantu not easy.!! otak akan bercerita setiap saat.!!! bila berjalan,nampak sekeliling,otak mula bermain........i like but ia akan terover idea.! hahahah.....
urmmmmm,when i hve DSLR camera D7000,ia menjadi bahan penting aq setiap masa,sebelum ini laptop n HP,yg sangat2 penting setiap kali aq kemana2....,,but now i hve 3 things always with me.....huuuu..jgn heran kalo kemana2 saja benda tuh sentiasa ada bersama aq...kihkihkihkih..sbb ia sngat2 lah penting....
...............................................................!!!............................bye..!   =')

Thursday, February 10, 2011

a life is a lot of the questions.........!!!!!

...................keadaan yg tidak sempurna dalam sesuatu yg kita hendak lakukan akan menbuat otak berfikir panjang dan bercelaru....!!!!!!..itu akan membuat kepala makin sakit tanpa panadol...! kahkahkahkahkah.........pencarian idea yg sukar utk aku lakukan..ermmm,..still berusaha buat yg terbaik....... Bercakap pun tak guna,bek diam jak.........hehe....miss u... matai,tiba2 miss u..!!!! huahuahua...(pura2...)


Friday, February 4, 2011

William Goldman---penulis skrip prolifik Hollywood..

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
William Goldman (born August 12, 1931) is an American novelist, playwright, and screenwriter.

Early life and education

Goldman grew up in a Jewish family in the Chicago suburb of Highland Park, Illinois. He obtained a BA degree at Oberlin College in 1952 and a MA degree at Columbia University in 1956. Goldman lives in New York City. His brother was James Goldman, a playwright and screenwriter who died in 1998.


Novelist, playwright and screenwriter

According to his memoir, Adventures in the Screen Trade (1983), Goldman began writing when he took a creative-writing course in college. He did not originally intend to become a screenwriter. His main interests were poetry, short stories, and novels. Goldman published five novels and had three plays produced on Broadway before he began to write screenplays. He wrote mostly serious literary works until the death of his first agent, when he started writing thrillers, the first of which was Marathon Man.
Goldman researched Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid for eight years and used Harry Longbaugh (a variant spelling of the Sundance Kid's real name) as his pseudonym for No Way to Treat a Lady. After deciding he did not want to write a cowboy novel, he turned the story into his first original screenplay and sold it for a record $400,000. He went on to use several of his novels as the foundation for his screenplays, such as The Princess Bride.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Jadual Sem 4.......ermmm

1___ ScreenWritting 1
2____ English for Specific Purpose
3____ Structure of Film
4____ Production of Management
5____ Media Law and Ethics

...ada 5 subjek jak utk neh sem....
      ------------Semoga sabar menghadapi segala ASSIGNMENT yah makcekkkkk------- hahha ='D

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

on Working.......

28hb-30hb January 2011 di Tawau.....kerja yg tidak pernah jemu aq lakukan....semakin bertambah pengalaman yg ku cari......bak pepatah...,jangan pengalaman yg cari anda.,biar anda cari pengalaman...!!...Think ur Future.!

                           ha.ha.... i like this part/picture......sooooo funny and sooo  relax...!!
hey!,ritchell and ameer,thnx ah buat muka begitu.hahah...kehabisan pozing sdh bh neh kan..ini lah yg terjadi..! wakakkakkaka.......jangannnn mareeee yer makcek and uncleee..! maen2 sijaaa..='D
..............HA..HA..HA...,I like all the face...soooooooo funnyyyyyyy...... Chell,ko jugaaa laaah paling Ngam,,nnti kta buat lagi bnyk2 muka begini..haha,sa simpan d lappy jak,tdk juga lah simpan dlm fb,ngehhh...ameer,sa kasi upload gmbr ko yg satu neh ah,,kihkihkih,yg neh ok lagiiii...hahhaha sooo funnyyy... Kynaa, u rock ketat..hahha tgk ritchell punya rock,ketat beb,mix dgn muka dia yg blur,nah mataaaiii..rock sasattt...kahkahkah...... just nak kongsi,time neh ktaorg b'gmbar sajaa2 utk mengisi masa yg ada.wahkakaka..tak juga boring kaaaann~~~ermmmm, to Kyna,waaa apa khbr Tawau skrg eh.??..hihihi.. to Ritchel,bh sa x pena lupa tuh apa yg terjadi di office tuh ah.hahha yg berabis c kyna ketawa lgi tuh...kahkahkah..I LIKE U...!!!!! chell2~ ^^,.. to Aremeer, bh c u next time yah,haha c kuat tidurr,,,oyaaa sa maw tgk nnti Sofazr The Movie....he.he....

Aremeer dan Ritchel membawakan lagu dari Sofaz......'Dan Bila Esok'.....

Aremeer dan Ritchel ketika menyanyi bersama peminat.......orang2 Tawau sporting......

....Ketika membawa Norizs ke konti Tawau Fm....

 Norizs menyanyikan lagunya sendiri dari Album 'Dia Wanita'....... dan disamping itu Tibor membantu dia utk menjual Albumnya di Daerah Tawau....

---------------SEKIAN...TQ...Maafkan Saya jika ada tersalah terhadap anda2-------------

Norizs Rizs at Airport Tawau.

(...hahha yg video neh Norizs and Tibor.,,,so funny wth them on airport Tawau,sementara menunggu maw fligth and kapal pulak kena delay 1jam 40minit,hah neh lah kerja diorg,bergurau and berjenaka...walaupun me kepenanatan tlong uruskan show ,and me still happy wth them.....soooo funny..... )